An Empty Theatre



Copyright -John Nixon

Without actors and audience, the atmosphere is gone.

Props which add ambience during a performance, look jaded when the show is over.

He steps onto the stage and imagines he is John Barrowman, singing and acting his heart out to an adoring crowd.

He rises to a flamboyant crescendo for the finale, flinging his arms out and raising his face to the lights.

The applause isn’t thunderous, but a solitary clap snaps him out of his moment.

“You would make an excellent Dick Whittington. Audition tomorrow 6p.m.”

So began his theatrical career.

He still hates it when it’s empty.

Word Count: 99

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

37 thoughts on “An Empty Theatre

  1. Lynn Love says:

    What a great story, Claire! Stages are weird – spooky – when the theatre is deserted. A great start to a career. Love to read the range of stories with these prompts – they’re all so different 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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