A New Beginning


PHOTO PROMPT © Shaktiki Sharma

It was dusty and basic at the moment, but the potential was unquestionable.  A round room!  It would be delightful.  The rustic quarry tiles would be so cool in the harsh, unyielding heat of summer.

Her desk would overlook the timeworn patio festooned with vines.  Trilliums would spread beneath the tree.  The heady fragrance of bougainvillea would be ever-present.  A true haven with everything she loved most in the world.

The rest of the house was mediocre, but this room, she would live in this room!

The setting would be perfect to inspire her to write again after her loss.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

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