Don’t Be Too Hasty


Firstly, apologies for my recent absence.  There are a few reasons for this, but I was determined to write 100 words this week!


PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

It looked drab now, but in it’s heyday it had been magnificent, a thriving business and nucleus of action.  Dad invested his inheritance to employ thirty people to produce LPs.  A young man then, he’d been enthusiastic.  The equipment was costly, but business had prospered until the advent of iPods and Smartphones.

“Not much call for gramophone records now,” he’d said sadly as he locked the door for the final time.  Shortly afterwards he’d thrown himself off Beachy Head, unable to cope with the humiliation of bankruptcy.   If only he’d delayed, he’d have seen the revival of music on vinyl.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.