Betrayal, Anger, Determination


PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Andreas sat outside in the sunshine, head in hands, frappe melting in the heat.  He ran over it in his mind several times, but instead of providing answers, his anger intensified.  How could they?  He clenched his fists and kicked a table leg, causing his drink to spill.  Scowling, he got up and marched resolutely to the police station.  With lips pursed and a vein pulsating in his neck he reported his fiancé and business partner cleaning out his business account.  If they wanted to be together fine, but they weren’t going to get away with taking his livelihood too.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

Ferry Frightening



Suddenly the ferry lurched.  Passengers fell from seats; drinks flew through the air slopping their contents.  The boat levelled, everyone resumed positions amid nervous chatter.  The journey continued, equilibrium seemingly recovered, but a sharp tilt to starboard sent people reeling again.  Screams, panic, confusion!  Anxiety crawled up inside like an intrusion of cockroaches.  Seeing water flooding into the bar, her fear intensified.  The ugliest side of humanity exposed itself.  Drunken men shoved children aside to reach lifeboats.  She dragged heavy legs in rising water.  Another sway, a surge of seawater.  Her head was submerged, leg trapped, fighting to break free.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.



PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

Paul glanced over his shoulder, following the path of the older man into the hotel.  He waited, listening to the crickets and feeling the evening warmth on his face.

Abruptly, he gulped down his iced water, stood, walked purposefully into the building and took the lift to the third floor.  He tapped a pattern on door 370.

The look of surprise on the man’s face turned to horror as Paul thrust the gun in his chest and flashed his badge.  There was nowhere to run, no way to escape or hide the evidence.

Paul watched him wilt with cold dispassion.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


The Disc, The Witch and The Desk


PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

A wet summer’s day, Phoebe was bored.  In the conservatory, a shiny disc on the floor attracted her.  She wriggled into the gap between the two sets of drawers to retrieve it.  A startled spider retreated rapidly.  Her fingertips scrabbled at the disc.  As she started to pull it towards her, a cold, warty hand clamped hers.  She tried to scream, but no sound came out.  Phoebe struggled to break free.  A dragging sensation pulled her towards complete blackness.

“At last, a child.  Now with the amulet and the girl, I can complete the spell.”  Phoebe gulped, fighting back tears.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.