Jenny’s Sister


PHOTO PROMPT © Magaly Guerrero

Sitting at her bedside, it didn’t seem possible the figure before me was the same person I used to squabble with over space on the dressing table.

When Granddad died of cancer, he was skeletal; barely making a dent in the sheets, but Jenny was bloated beyond recognition.

At her funeral, one of her friends said in her broad Essex accent “Oh my Gawd. You must be Jenny’s sister.” I’d heard that often before and deeply resented it.

“No, I’m Chloe!” I’d always wanted to scream.

Somehow knowing it would be the last time was unsettling and profoundly sad.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

Unexpected Date Night


PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

“Let’s have a date night,” my husband said.  “I’ll arrange everything; you come home and get ready for a treat.  Wear something sexy.”

I hid my surprise.  Things hadn’t been great for a while and he’d never organised anything special.

I spent time preparing, anticipating a romantic meal somewhere classy.  A squirt of expensive perfume and I was ready.  Excitedly, I went downstairs.


I surveyed the bedroom the morning after; the takeaway pizza stinking its greasy fumes and the dregs of the bargain booze in the bottom of the glass.

I fastened the suitcase and headed out.  I deserved so much more.

Word Count: 102

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

There’s a Shadow Hanging Over Me


PHOTO PROMPT © Jellico’s Stationhouse

I’ll never be able to compete with his lost love.

She died.

She’s still here in everything we do, everywhere we go.  Whenever we socialise, the air is weighty with her presence and memories of a former life.

I know he loves me.

The home we share still bears her mark; the things they bought together in happy times.  It’d be easier if they’d divorced, despising each other.

Knowing they didn’t want to part, that he would still be with her now if he could, is difficult to live with.

I know he loves me, but he loved her more.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.