Review of ‘From the Edge of an English Summer’ by Michael Wynn

From the Edge of an English Summer

What an incredibly well-written novel! The plot is fast-paced with some very amusing scenes, particularly with Lydia. It’s hard to decide who is my favourite character, but she is brilliant! Lydia is the typically lacking-in-understanding wife of Julian, the narrator.  She is horrified at his leap from corporate banker to the depths of society and is appalled by his new acquaintances.

Set in and around Chelmsford, Essex (with a couple of fictional places thrown in) each character is perfectly built and you have empathy with those seeking justice but also with Lydia who is totally bemused by the change in her husband.  Wordsworth is a complex character who has chosen a very unorthodox way of life.  Julian is trying to establish himself as a writer and to find meaning to his life having worked for years making more money than he knows what to do with. 

Julian blunders into a situation he could never have imagined himself in and bumbles his way through, determined to ‘do the right thing.’  The story takes him into some very sticky circumstances, some of which I am sure he will never let Lydia learn of. 

Wordsworth is the local tramp, who has begrudgingly allowed Julian to befriend him.  They realise there is something amiss with a group of young girls they see each morning and determine to put matters right. Their exploits put them in serious danger and the suspense had me on the edge of my seat, breath held.

For anyone wondering whether to buy ‘From the Edge of an English Summer’ I can highly recommend it!

Mountain High


PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

We hiked up the mountain. 

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Backpacks digging in, creating sores where they rubbed.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Blisters on toes, walking boots rubbing the backs of ankles.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

In draining heat, we struggled on.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Breath becoming ragged from reduced oxygen.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Energy fading, enthusiasm too.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Pacing it out, determined not to fail.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Reaching the summit, catching our breath.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Spectacular waterfall.

“It was absolutely worthwhile,” we said.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

Canine Capers

It has been a while since I have participated in Friday Fictioneers, mainly because I have known I would not have the time to comment on others’ posts and for that I apologise.  Today’s offering is a little ditty about the demon beast who came to live with us in April.  The prompt picture is almost exactly the same as the bridge nearby where he likes to go.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

On a hot summer day (to paraphrase the words of the one-and-only Meatloaf) in the slow-moving stream under the bridge, Freddie splashed about joyfully.  Bounding about, clambering at the slippery mountain-like rocks, he was as happy as a pig in the proverbial.  His long leash prevented him going too far upstream; he was only three months after all. 

I felt an outpouring of love for this funny little bundle of fluff who had come into our lives creating mayhem with every tail-wag.

His initial reluctance to go into the water, which my big toe encouraged him to overcome, was long-gone.

 Word Count: 100

From this:


To this:
