Pre-Concert Nerves?


PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg

The cello sat silently in the corner, polished and ready to play.  Twinkling lights dripped from the ceiling around the podium.

Edward hurried in, brushing the snow from his heavy navy cashmere coat.  He glanced around furtively, confirming he was alone and swiftly poured himself a double Jack Daniels from behind the bar, which he necked and repeated three times.  He drew a deep breath and sternly told himself to behave normally.

He wasn’t anxious about the concert.  Pre-performance jitters disappeared the moment he picked up his bow. 

What troubled him was the carnage he had left in his bedroom.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


52 thoughts on “Pre-Concert Nerves?

  1. draliman says:

    Well, after three double whiskeys I’m sure he thinks his performance is top-notch… 🙂

    I wonder if he’s just left his bedroom in a mess or if something more sinister is going on? I’m thinking the latter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rowena says:

    Great story and I loved the last line. My cousin is a professional cellist and I’m going to be a lot more circumspect around her in future. She seems so nice! Cellists have been getting up to all sorts in this prompt.
    xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

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