Hemmed In


PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

My heart constricts, my breathing becomes rapid, shallow.  I try to compose myself, but feel the terror racing up inside, scrabbling, intent on suffocation.  Frantically, I seek an escape.  Each possible exit is treacherously narrow. 

Stay calm!  I mustn’t panic. 

I try to breathe slowly, deeply, but it makes me gag and heave violently.

Inwardly, I am screaming, clawing at the walls, desperate for freedom.

People look at me with curious expressions.  Some studiously ignore me.  Maybe the scream wasn’t just inside my head.

I have to get out of here.

Can’t someone help me?


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.