Passionate, or Obsessional Bully?

Photo Prompt © Priya Bajpal

Miss Devine could sense waves of unease flowing from Ella who was fidgeting amid the group of girls stamping their feet, shoulders hunched, arms wrapped around their adolescent bodies attempting to combat the freezing air. She wished there was another way to sort the hockey team members rather than by shirt colour.  She wouldn’t prolong her discomfort.  Ella’s father’s passion for Liverpool Football Club and his antipathy to Everton and all things blue was well-known but the rumoured abuse of his daughter if she dared to wear blue clothing was deeply worrying. 

 “Ella, you’re playing for greens against the yellows.”

Word Count:100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

The Long, Hot Walk


PHOTO PROMPT © Kent Bonham

Rachel had been walking for hours, energy sapped by the heat.  As she rounded the bend, she saw a battered VW under a tree.  If it weren’t there, I’d be able to rest in the shade.  She traipsed on exhausted, wondering idly about the lack of occupants in the car.  Silence, save for a slight rustling of leaves.  Suddenly, the car doors opened.  Rachel stopped, startled.  Black, eyes stared coldly at her.  They were quick, no time to react.  A cloth covered her face; strong hands lifted her and thrust her roughly into the car.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

A Prisoner of Conscience



His breath was ragged and his voice gravelly from calling out.  He was locked in the confined, cold, damp building.

Knuckles bleeding from incessant knocking, face covered in a congealed mess of blood and snot, he slithered to his knees, wretched and despondent.

The constant drip, drip aggravated his tattered nerves.

Why couldn’t I have just turned a blind eye?

“Have a heart, let me out,” he beseeched.

A faint scratching sound; was it help or threat?

Thorny tendrils of fear sneaked around his heart and squeezed persistently causing his heartbeat to increase.

A metal key turned in the lock…


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.