Mountain High


PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

We hiked up the mountain. 

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Backpacks digging in, creating sores where they rubbed.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Blisters on toes, walking boots rubbing the backs of ankles.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

In draining heat, we struggled on.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Breath becoming ragged from reduced oxygen.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Energy fading, enthusiasm too.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Pacing it out, determined not to fail.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Reaching the summit, catching our breath.

“It’ll be worthwhile,” they said.

Spectacular waterfall.

“It was absolutely worthwhile,” we said.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.