We Have A Hostage Situation


PHOTO POMPT © Douglas M. MacIlroy

“You’d better do what they say or I’m gonna cop it!  They ain’t messing around here.  So far I’m being fed, but if you don’t meet their demands, I’m gonna meet my maker!” squawked Tarquin.

The fist clutching the valuable bird swept away from the camera.  A masked face filled the screen.

“You wanna see the bird again, you wire ten million bucks to this account by the end of today.”  He held up a board with the offshore account details. The screen went black.

“It’s a hoax,” said Edward.

“It’s my baby,” wailed Elizabeth.

“Wire the funds,” ordered Edward.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


The Long, Hot Walk


PHOTO PROMPT © Kent Bonham

Rachel had been walking for hours, energy sapped by the heat.  As she rounded the bend, she saw a battered VW under a tree.  If it weren’t there, I’d be able to rest in the shade.  She traipsed on exhausted, wondering idly about the lack of occupants in the car.  Silence, save for a slight rustling of leaves.  Suddenly, the car doors opened.  Rachel stopped, startled.  Black, eyes stared coldly at her.  They were quick, no time to react.  A cloth covered her face; strong hands lifted her and thrust her roughly into the car.

Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

Better or Worse


PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

She stomped her feet on the mat dislodging most of the compacted snow.  Boots pulled off, she hung her wet coat on the hook and made for the kitchen.

The cold had made her nose stream.  She grabbed a piece of paper towel, flicked the switch on the kettle and slumped into the tattered armchair by the window.

There was still no news.

Each night she went to bed despairing.

Each morning she woke with renewed hope.

Would it always be this way?

Would knowing be better or worse?

He had only been two years old when he went missing.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.