There is Always One


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

There is always one who stands out,

One who insists on being different,

Which would be fine if it were tasteful,

But it never is,

It’s always tacky, brassy, common,

Does changing gender really mean he has to lose all sense of good taste?

He believes he is a woman inside,

He is nothing like a woman on the outside,

He lacks the softness, the fragility, the beauty,

He is a grotesque parody of a woman,

He tries hard to achieve a look that will always evade him,

I try hard to hide my embarrassment.

That one is my dad.


Word Count: 100

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

44 thoughts on “There is Always One

    • Clare Hempstead says:

      I think they do accept him for what he is, but teenagers are very aware of what others think and can be very unkind when someone doesn’t fit their perceived ‘norm’! Thanks for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Dale says:

    Even when they are not gay or transgender, fathers often have a knack for embarrassing their children. I think it’s in their DNA! Plus, teenagers are sooooo unforgiving!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. gahlearner says:

    At first I frowned and then I smiled. And eventually, that child will put on something outrageous and tasteless, I hope, and go have some fun with Dad.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    Despite the fact that he embarrassed his child I felt a lot of empathy for him. I must be difficult to always be striving for something and never be able to achieve it.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Dawn Quyle Landau says:

    While I empathize with the child narrator, here, I find it hard to embrace. Intolerance is intolerance, and I can’t help but think that this child needs to gain some deeper awareness. Perhaps we can never fully accept our parents, as they are. Strong story, Clare.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Clare Hempstead says:

      Thanks Dawn. I think she is just finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that her father, who she has always seen as very masculine, is trying to be the exact opposite. I wanted to show that she loves him, but is finding it hard to view him as a woman. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Michael Wynn says:

    Well written on several levels. Great understanding of the perennial problem of children’s embarrassment and sympathy for someone trying to achieve a satisfactory perfection he stands no chance of acheiving

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Margaret says:

    You’ve tackled a difficult issue very successfully. I feel for the child, and also for the dad. It’s a struggle for us all to be authentic, I think. First we have to figure out who we are before we can work at being that person. Wonderfully thought-provoking story.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. patriciaruthsusan says:

    It seems some teenagers are just looking for differences to mock in others. I can imagine how they would pounce of that kind of difference. Poor child. It’s a hard age to suffer through. Good writing, Clare. —- Suzanne

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